Why does a real estate company decide to hire a salesperson based on a personality test?

Some companies believe that a certain type of personality is more likely to be successful in real estate sales than other. The most common trait companies look for is an outgoing personality. However this wrongly assumes that all clients want someone like this but what about the introverts of the world? This is the last kind of person they want to deal with.

Having been in the real estate profession for over four decades I’ve seen thousands of salespeople come and go over the years. The ones who are successful and last can’t be put into any specific category except that they know how to build trusting relationships quickly with clients. The veterans range from introverts to extroverts, good-looking to not-so-attractive, etc. In other words, there’s an agent-type for every kind of client.

If you’ve been rejected by a real estate company that relies heavily on personality tests (I was) it doesn’t mean that you won’t be successful. One of the biggest in the world has less than 20% of their agents who are truly successful. There are plenty of brokers who would be glad to hire an eager, and persistent, newly-licensed agent. Good luck!

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